It has been a while since my last blog post. Resulting from an old sports injury, doctors told me that if I did not undergo surgery there is a good chance I would end up in a wheel chair. To say the least, this got my attention. I underwent an eight-hour surgery (actually two surgeries) to repair damage resulting from a twenty-six year old wresting accident sustained while in college. A big thank you goes out to Dr. Shuriz Hishmeh ( He was great and I highly recommend him.
I have to tell you, some pretty scary stuff. Not just for me but for my family and friends. After the operation, I started therapy and have been at it since, getting myself up to speed physically. On a day-to-day (and nightly) basis, I don’t know how I would have gotten through without the love, support and assistance of my wife, Laura and son, Ben.
I want and need to extend a special and heartfelt thank-you to Jed Marcus and the people at Marcus Attorneys. I have been with Jed and Marcus Attorneys for quite a bit of time now. Over the years, Jed has shown himself to be a caring and kind person. A true gentleman. Â Everyone at Marcus Attorneys rolled up their sleeves and pulled together to pick up the slack in my absence. Thank you all.
During my recovery and especially upon my return to work, I encountered the largest outpouring of support and concern. Not only from the people in my law firm but from my clients as well. It was truly touching.
It is said by someone that the measure of a man’s life is counted by the number of people affected by his absence. Based on the amount of cards, emails, phone messages and the well wishes I received, I am a truly lucky man.
Now it is time to do something in return. One of my goals is to try to provide as much quality information about real estate as I can.
Is there anything you want me to write a blog post about?
To be honest, a lot of the content on my blog, www.lavenderlawblog comes directly from the emails that people have sent me asking to cover a certain topic. That’s why I wrote Selling a Cooperative-Quick Tip and Coop apartment ownership-Joint Tenancy or By-The Entirety. What’s the difference?, just to name a couple – and they’ve become some of my top articles on my site.
 Because you asked for them! The way I see it, there’s no point in writing for myself. I should do all in my power to write for you.
 I’d really like to hear your suggestions. I’ll do my best to answer as many questions in actual blog posts as I can. I may not be able to get to all of them, but I’ll do my best.
 All you have to do is reply to this :)
 Thanks again for your support and I hope to hear from you soon.
 Phil Lavender